We have some exciting news, you are now able to search through LPC's electronic articles through Google Scholar. While it is always better to go through the library's catalog and databases prior to searching Google Scholar, we want you to know that this option is now available to you in a few easy steps.
1. Go to googlescholar.com
2. Click "Settings" at the top of the page.
3. Click "Library Links" and type in "LPC"
4. Check the box next to "Life Pacific College - Get from LPC"
5. Click "Save"
Below you will find the process step by step using pictures
1. Go to googlescholar.com
2. Click "Settings" at the top of the page.
3. Click "Library links" and any type in "LPC'
4. Check the box next to "Life Pacific College - Get from LPC"
5. Click "Save"
When you do a search in Google Scholar this is how you will know which items are from the LPC databases.